Feb 13, 2018 | Family Law, Adoption, Federal Indian Law
ICWA sets guidelines and requirements for how adoption agencies and the child welfare system serve tribal children and birth parents. The act gives tribes legal authority and a voice in child welfare cases, lists criteria for adoptive and foster homes, and places a priority on keeping Indian children with their relatives or other Indian families.
Jan 29, 2018 | Family Law
Divorce Planning As you are planning your first visit with your divorce attorney, it is a good idea to do some divorce planning. We are committed to representing your interests. To do so adequately, we ask that you gather together the following documents and bring...Jan 29, 2018 | Family Law
Should You Make Your Divorce Official? Here Are Dangers of Not Doing it You’ve probably heard of someone who’s been separated for years from their spouse, yet neither party has bothered to make the divorce official. While it can seem normal, it can end up with costly...Jan 29, 2018 | Family Law
A Military Divorce is used to describe a divorce in which one spouse at least is serving in the military or is a retired service member. By and large it is more a description which signifies that this is a divorce involving a service member and carries no special...